
Roast Cabbage




Yield 2-3

I usually use one medium cabbage to feed two, but then always have a bit leftover which is perfect for lunch the next day. I usually use green Savoy cabbage, but you can also do this with red, which may take a bit longer to cook



Preheat oven to 180C/350F

Line a baking sheet with parchment and generously oil with olive oil

Hold the cabbage with the root side on your cutting board. Using a sharp carving knife, cut 1 inch slices of cabbage starting at one side. Try not to let the end slices fall apart, as they tend to do since they don’t have the core holding them together.

As you cut, transfer the slices onto the baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, rubbing it all over. Season with salt and pepper.

Place in oven and cook until tender and the edges start to brown. This usually takes about 25 minutes. Time enough to finish your martini.

Recipe by Elizabeth Minchilli at