
Celery & Olive Salad

Yield 2-4

Try to buy a full head of celery for this salad. If the leaves are still attached, all the better, since then you know it’s super fresh. If the outside stalks look tough or are a bit hollow, save them for cooking. It's hard to say how many this dish serves, since it depends on how big  your head of celery is.



Chop the celery into diagonal slices, about 1/8 inch thick, and place in a bowl.

Using the back of a heavy knife, or a meat pounder, whack each olive to smoosh it. This will make it easier to remove the pit.

Finely chop the olive meat, parsley and zest from half the lemon. Put into a small bowl and add olive oil (about 1/4 cup) and lemon juice to taste. Season with salt and pepper

Pour the dressing over the celery and toss. Taste and adjust for seasoning.

Recipe by Elizabeth Minchilli at