Summer Salad Avacado Dressing

summer salad + avocado dressing

Yield 4 -6

I like this salad with some sort of fishy element (shrimp, salmon or even tuna) but feel free to add in chicken, or even leftover thinly sliced grilled steak.



  1. Place the sliced onions in a small bowl with the vinegar and salt, stir and let sit for at least 20 minutes, stirring half way through.
  2. Cook the shrimp or salmon as you like. I usually boil the shrimp for 3 minutes, (if they are small) and then run under cool water. You can either pan fry the salmon or bake it in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes. Then let cool.
  3. To make dressing: place all the dressing ingredients into a blender and blend till smooth. Taste and adjust to your liking. I usually end up adding a bit more lemon juice. If it seems way too thick, you can add a bit more water.
  4. To assemble: place all of the salad greens and tomatoes, pepper and cucumbers on a large platter. Add about 2/3 of the dressing, some salt and pepper and then toss to mix.
  5. Scatter the shrimp or broken up fish across the top. Next scatter the drained onions and artichoke hearts. Finally drizzle the rest of the dressing on top. Serve!

Recipe by Elizabeth Minchilli at